The Essential-Liberalism Manifesto

A Nonpartisan Document Outlining the Foundational Principles of Liberal Democracy

Frequently Asked Questions

[NOTE: This FAQ page is for select general questions. For many specific questions about the Manifesto, please visit the Discussion Forums]

Q: Does anything like the Manifesto already exist?
A: To the best of my knowledge, there are no other published documents that seek to do what the The Essential-Liberalism Manifesto does, which is to present the foundational principles of liberal democracy.

Q: What sources did you rely on when writing The Essential-Liberalism Manifesto?
A: My academic background is in the area of law and political science (see the About page). Therefore, I can't separate my existing knowledge from the many sources I have been exposed to over the years. However, I can single out the importance of the US Constitution, the proposed European Constitution, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Page last updated: March 18, 2011